The dreaded Golf Swing is a common problem for Softball players. You know what I'm talking about, the player consistently misses below the ball by four or five inches. You have talked to them about taking their hands straight to the ball and about swinging level, yet time after time they are underneath the ball.
By Jim Moyer
You finally decide the girl is a complete moron and is unable to process the valuable information you are giving her or you determine that she must enjoy bringing you pain and misery.
Your Hitter is probably into the pain and misery he/she is causing you, but on the outside chance that's it's just a bad batting habit you should try this Hands to the Ball drill.
During your next batting practice, place your hitting tee directly behind home plate (touching the back corner of the plate) and pull the tee up to about mid-thigh. Now when the girl swings she must take her hands and bat over the tee without hitting the tee. Now break out the pitching machine and start throwing batting practice. If she drops her hands or the bat head she will hit the tee. Aaaahhhhh, success! Now she can process what you have been telling her for so long. It really won't take too many swings for her to correct the problem, however you may need to do this hitting drill at several batting practices.
This same procedure can be used in soft toss or in hitting from a tee. Just place a hitting tee behind the home plate so he/she can't drop her hands without hitting the back tee.
I have to admit, the first few swings are hysterical. The player thinks the coach is crazy for putting a tee behind her. In her mind you are NUTS thinking she is going to hit the tee. Then on that first pitch when she sends the tee tumbling forward the hitter will have a look of complete astonishment and disbelief. By the third or fourth swing a look of total disgust will have replaced the disbelief. By the sixth or seventh swing the player will finally own up to having poor hitting mechanics. Now, she is making real progress. Just like any 10 Step corrective plan, the first step is to admit there is a problem.
If you have a player with a great golf swing, it may take several sessions to re-train her muscles to swing correctly. Just stick with this drill. The player will absolutely hate hitting that tee and will be working very hard to correct the problem. In all of my years of coaching fastpitch softball and baseball, I have found this to be the single best drill for correcting the "golf swing" strikeouts.
Should she continue to hit the tee, she may very well just enjoy watching you pull your hair out. :-) Then again, you may be ruining the next Tiger Woods. But this isn't a golf team, it's Baseball or Fastpitch Softball and you need hitters, not golfers.
Jim Moyer is the author of Having coached over 500 youth fastpitch softball games, Jim decided to put the information online to allow parent/coaches to draw on his unique experience. See for more fastpitch softball tips, drills and essential coaching strategies.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Off Season Softball Workout Routine
The off season is the perfect day to begin your softball training routine. By starting now, you will be in prime shape when your team takes the field for the first time and you will find yourself hitting the ball farther and harder and your reflexes will be quicker, allowing you to make plays you may not have been able to make last season.
By Evan Pfaff
The off season is the perfect day to begin your softball training routine.
By starting now, you will be in prime shape when your team takes the field for the first time and you will find yourself hitting the ball farther and harder and your reflexes will be quicker, allowing you to make plays you may not have been able to make last season.
The most important muscles you need to hone for hitting are your legs and abdominal area. To get these muscles softball-ready, short powerful reps are recommended.
You will want to break these sets up, and not do them all in one day, or your muscles will be overworked and you will get less of a workout towards the end of your routine. You will probably want to lift every other day, and do cardio on your off days. It is also a good idea to rest your muscles, so your week may consist of Monday, Wednesday, Friday lifting and then cardio on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays while taking Sunday off. You can mix up these days to meet your schedule, but make sure you are working out regularly if you want to impress your teammates come game time.
As with any routine, the weight you lift is 100% based on your body. Do try and increase your weight every few weeks, so that you are getting stronger and working your muscles out to their max.
The sets you will want to focus on are:
Bench Press
Incline Bench Press
Wrist Curls (really good for hitting)
Hammer Curls
Shoulder Presses
Don't wait for your manager or commish to contact you about playing next season. Prepare today, so that when the ump yells "PLAY BALL!" you will already be at the top of your game.
Keep sporting!
Evan Pfaff is co-owner of Who's In First.
Who's In First is an online league management system for leagues of all sizes and sports. Our state-of-the-art software enables league managers the ability to quickly create and deploy schedules and standings over the Internet.
Visit Who's In First,, today for a free demonstration and to learn why Who's In First is the best choice for your league.
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Monday, July 20, 2009
Softball Hitting Tips
Execute Perfect Hits
By Marc Dagenais
As we all might know, softball hitting needs a lot from the hitter. The physical skill, technique and output are indeed very important but it would be executed 100% at its full potential without the right mentality and way of thinking... Being mentally tough and fit in softball hitting requires not only focus but other mental approaches as well and here are some of them that will most definitely be of great help to you and to every softball hitter in the world.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #1 - Be Optimistic
Being and staying positive all the time will most certainly result into several successful bats. If your mind knows and believes that you will make a perfect and power-filled hit then it most likely will happen. Remember that what the mind can conceive, it can achieve. So dump the negative attitude and put on the positive one.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #2 - Forget the Past, Focus on the Present
You might not know it but softball hitters miss a hit twice more than landing a hit. That is a given but and that is okay. But what is not okay is for you to dwell in those past misses and mistakes as that will only cause poorer performance again and again. Focus on the present hitting opportunity and give it your all.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #3 - Focus on the Pitcher and the Ball
When it comes to the effective hitting of softball, it is best to give your 101% focus and sight on the pitcher and the ball he or she is holding. Neglect all external distractions and watch out for the movement and ball angle the pitcher is about to do and calculate the possible directions the ball will go after it is thrown. This mental approach will contribute a lot to a successful softball hit.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #4 - Manage your Emotions
Do not let the pitcher see that you are getting frustrated and that you are losing hope every time you miss. That will only give the enemy pitcher more drive to give hard to hit pitches. So manage your emotions and show the pitcher that you are calm and ready to hit that softball anytime.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #5 - Learn How To Anticipate
Anticipation of possible future events in playing softball is a great skill and asset most especially for softball hitters. One can easily turn the tides of the game if he or she can get one step ahead of the pitcher or any opponent for that matter. And one way of acquiring and learning how to anticipate is through making back up plans and situation analysis. Make at least three back up plans in case your expectations change. And, carefully analyze everything from the actions of the pitcher to the body language of the opposing team as well. This will help a lot for you to be able to deliver a powerful hit to amaze everyone.
Remember that being mentally tough plus physically fit and capable is the secret to every softball hitting tips and success as well as to all of softball. So strive to nourish both qualities and be the best softball player of the future. So, strengthen up the brain and build up your muscles and softball playing skills together and never neglect either one of them.
Marc Dagneais is Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary performances and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents. Visit us to access our directory of FREE softball drills!
Article Source: As we all might know, softball hitting needs a lot from the hitter. The physical skill, technique and output are indeed very important but it would be executed 100% at its full potential without the right mentality and way of thinking... Being mentally tough and fit in softball hitting requires not only focus but other mental approaches as well and here are some of them that will most definitely be of great help to you and to every softball hitter in the world.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #1 - Be Optimistic
Being and staying positive all the time will most certainly result into several successful bats. If your mind knows and believes that you will make a perfect and power-filled hit then it most likely will happen. Remember that what the mind can conceive, it can achieve. So dump the negative attitude and put on the positive one.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #2 - Forget the Past, Focus on the Present
You might not know it but softball hitters miss a hit twice more than landing a hit. That is a given but and that is okay. But what is not okay is for you to dwell in those past misses and mistakes as that will only cause poorer performance again and again. Focus on the present hitting opportunity and give it your all.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #3 - Focus on the Pitcher and the Ball
When it comes to the effective hitting of softball, it is best to give your 101% focus and sight on the pitcher and the ball he or she is holding. Neglect all external distractions and watch out for the movement and ball angle the pitcher is about to do and calculate the possible directions the ball will go after it is thrown. This mental approach will contribute a lot to a successful softball hit.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #4 - Manage your Emotions
Do not let the pitcher see that you are getting frustrated and that you are losing hope every time you miss. That will only give the enemy pitcher more drive to give hard to hit pitches. So manage your emotions and show the pitcher that you are calm and ready to hit that softball anytime.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #5 - Learn How To Anticipate
Anticipation of possible future events in playing softball is a great skill and asset most especially for softball hitters. One can easily turn the tides of the game if he or she can get one step ahead of the pitcher or any opponent for that matter. And one way of acquiring and learning how to anticipate is through making back up plans and situation analysis. Make at least three back up plans in case your expectations change. And, carefully analyze everything from the actions of the pitcher to the body language of the opposing team as well. This will help a lot for you to be able to deliver a powerful hit to amaze everyone.
Remember that being mentally tough plus physically fit and capable is the secret to every softball hitting tips and success as well as to all of softball. So strive to nourish both qualities and be the best softball player of the future. So, strengthen up the brain and build up your muscles and softball playing skills together and never neglect either one of them.
Marc Dagneais is Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary performances and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents. Visit us to access our directory of FREE softball drills!
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As we all might know, softball hitting needs a lot from the hitter. The physical skill, technique and output are indeed very important but it would be executed 100% at its full potential without the right mentality and way of thinking... Being mentally tough and fit in softball hitting requires not only focus but other mental approaches as well and here are some of them that will most definitely be of great help to you and to every softball hitter in the world.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #1 - Be Optimistic
Being and staying positive all the time will most certainly result into several successful bats. If your mind knows and believes that you will make a perfect and power-filled hit then it most likely will happen. Remember that what the mind can conceive, it can achieve. So dump the negative attitude and put on the positive one.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #2 - Forget the Past, Focus on the Present
You might not know it but softball hitters miss a hit twice more than landing a hit. That is a given but and that is okay. But what is not okay is for you to dwell in those past misses and mistakes as that will only cause poorer performance again and again. Focus on the present hitting opportunity and give it your all.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #3 - Focus on the Pitcher and the Ball
When it comes to the effective hitting of softball, it is best to give your 101% focus and sight on the pitcher and the ball he or she is holding. Neglect all external distractions and watch out for the movement and ball angle the pitcher is about to do and calculate the possible directions the ball will go after it is thrown. This mental approach will contribute a lot to a successful softball hit.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #4 - Manage your Emotions
Do not let the pitcher see that you are getting frustrated and that you are losing hope every time you miss. That will only give the enemy pitcher more drive to give hard to hit pitches. So manage your emotions and show the pitcher that you are calm and ready to hit that softball anytime.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #5 - Learn How To Anticipate
Anticipation of possible future events in playing softball is a great skill and asset most especially for softball hitters. One can easily turn the tides of the game if he or she can get one step ahead of the pitcher or any opponent for that matter. And one way of acquiring and learning how to anticipate is through making back up plans and situation analysis. Make at least three back up plans in case your expectations change. And, carefully analyze everything from the actions of the pitcher to the body language of the opposing team as well. This will help a lot for you to be able to deliver a powerful hit to amaze everyone.
Remember that being mentally tough plus physically fit and capable is the secret to every softball hitting tips and success as well as to all of softball. So strive to nourish both qualities and be the best softball player of the future. So, strengthen up the brain and build up your muscles and softball playing skills together and never neglect either one of them.
Marc Dagneais is Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary performances and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents. Visit us to access our directory of FREE softball drills!
Article Source: As we all might know, softball hitting needs a lot from the hitter. The physical skill, technique and output are indeed very important but it would be executed 100% at its full potential without the right mentality and way of thinking... Being mentally tough and fit in softball hitting requires not only focus but other mental approaches as well and here are some of them that will most definitely be of great help to you and to every softball hitter in the world.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #1 - Be Optimistic
Being and staying positive all the time will most certainly result into several successful bats. If your mind knows and believes that you will make a perfect and power-filled hit then it most likely will happen. Remember that what the mind can conceive, it can achieve. So dump the negative attitude and put on the positive one.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #2 - Forget the Past, Focus on the Present
You might not know it but softball hitters miss a hit twice more than landing a hit. That is a given but and that is okay. But what is not okay is for you to dwell in those past misses and mistakes as that will only cause poorer performance again and again. Focus on the present hitting opportunity and give it your all.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #3 - Focus on the Pitcher and the Ball
When it comes to the effective hitting of softball, it is best to give your 101% focus and sight on the pitcher and the ball he or she is holding. Neglect all external distractions and watch out for the movement and ball angle the pitcher is about to do and calculate the possible directions the ball will go after it is thrown. This mental approach will contribute a lot to a successful softball hit.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #4 - Manage your Emotions
Do not let the pitcher see that you are getting frustrated and that you are losing hope every time you miss. That will only give the enemy pitcher more drive to give hard to hit pitches. So manage your emotions and show the pitcher that you are calm and ready to hit that softball anytime.
Softball Hitting Mental Approach #5 - Learn How To Anticipate
Anticipation of possible future events in playing softball is a great skill and asset most especially for softball hitters. One can easily turn the tides of the game if he or she can get one step ahead of the pitcher or any opponent for that matter. And one way of acquiring and learning how to anticipate is through making back up plans and situation analysis. Make at least three back up plans in case your expectations change. And, carefully analyze everything from the actions of the pitcher to the body language of the opposing team as well. This will help a lot for you to be able to deliver a powerful hit to amaze everyone.
Remember that being mentally tough plus physically fit and capable is the secret to every softball hitting tips and success as well as to all of softball. So strive to nourish both qualities and be the best softball player of the future. So, strengthen up the brain and build up your muscles and softball playing skills together and never neglect either one of them.
Marc Dagneais is Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary performances and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents. Visit us to access our directory of FREE softball drills!
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Sunday, July 19, 2009
Important Tips For Softball Training
By Marc Dagenais
Softball is said to be one of the most popular sports not only in the United States but also around the world. It is a sport that is enjoyed by many. But in order for you to become one of the best and competitive players of softball, you need first to undergo a lot of trainings.
Training in softball is very important. And I am telling you, it is not easy. You need this training to learn some new techniques in this game and to improve the way you play.
Here are some important tips for you to have an effective training:
Take it seriously. It means you need to have time for your training, let's say 2-3 times in a week. You must always put a lot of effort. Softball is not just a recreation, it is a sport.
Take time to relax. After an intense workout you must also spend some time to relax. Overdoing your training is not good. It is natural for us human to be tired and feel pain. You must listen to your body because if not there will be a big tendency that you will suffer in the future.
Have some motivators. A motivator can help if you are undergoing training. You can use music as your motivator. It is a good and effective motivator because it will help you to become more focus with your training and will prevent you from distractions.
Have self-discipline. The secret behind every man success is self discipline. Don't wait for anyone to tell you what to do. Have the initiative and be persistent. Don't let temptations ruin you.
Eat right. It will be ideal for a person especially a softball player to eat food with a lot of proteins and carbohydrates. The food that you will eat will serve as the fuel for your body. You must eat 15-30 minutes of the end of your trainings and competitions because that will be a great way for your body to recover because during those times your body needs to be energized. You must also drink some sports drink because it will not only hydrate you it will also replace electrolytes.
Choose the right gear and equipment. You will perform a lot better at all areas of the game like softball pitching and hitting if you have the right gear and equipment with you.
Use your time wisely. There are seven days for each week and 24 hours for each day. That will be a lot of time for you to prepare and train. Using it wisely will help you to attain success quicker.
Marc Dagneais is Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary performances and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents. Visit us to access our directory of FREE softball drills
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Friday, July 17, 2009
Strength Training Develops Solid Softball Players
By Lynn VanDyke
Softball is a popular sport these days. Corporations, adult leagues and inner-city competitions are fueling the demand for skilled and competitive players. While softball may be experiencing a surge of interest, the basic techniques to improve your game and gain a competitive edge have remained the same.
Many do not realize that basic softball movements such as batting and throwing are not a directly related to arm strength. The movement begins in the legs. The power is then transferred into the hips, the torso, the upper back, the chest, the shoulders and then the arms.
A proper softball strength training routine will include an exercise for each muscle group. During the off-season, athletes will be able to strength train 2-3 times per week. Training should be reduced to 1-2 times per week during the season. Each exercise should be performed 8-12 times for 1-3 sets.
Quickness, speed, agility, balance, explosiveness, and power will be enhanced as the strength training program progresses. Below is a list of sample exercises for the commonly used muscles in softball. There are many other exercises you could perform, but this will provide a starting point.
Quadriceps- Squats, One-Legged Squats, Jump SquatsHams & Glutes- Lunges, Explosive Lunges, Bridge on BallHip Adductors/Abductors- Lying Side Leg Raises, Ball SqueezeObliques- Oblique Crunch on BallRectus Abdominis- Ball Crunch, 180 Ball CrunchErector Spinae- Plank PoseDeltoids- Shoulder Press, Military PressPectoralis Major- Chest Fly, Chest Press, Push upsLatissimus Dorsi- Bent Over Row, Reverse FlyTriceps- Overhead Extensions, Skull crushersBiceps- Bicep Curl, Hammer CurlA powerful softball strength training program will produce powerful players. Use a full ROM (range of motion) for each exercise. Generally free weights provide a better ROM than machines, but use which ever feels best to you. The ultimate goal is to create a solid program that will deliver a well-rounded athlete.
Lynn VanDyke is the proud owner of . Her expertise in strength training and fitness is quickly becoming recognized by industry leaders. You may grab your free strength training log by visiting her site.
Lynn VanDyke delivers a strength training article for any athlete, but specifically geared towards softball and baseball players. It provides general guidelines and sample exercises for sport specific situations.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Getting To Know Softball Fastpitch Gloves
Most fastpitch gloves have lighter weight yet long-lasting inside and back components. This makes the gloves more manageable for female and male hand shapes, yet maintains top grained leather where it's needed the most.
Softball fastpitch gloves are now made to particularly cater to the sport as never before since softball leagues have gained in number nationwide. Every short stop knows if the ball is coming at you, you better be prepared to put the stop on that ball before it gets lost into the limitless and wide potential for missing the out by zipping by you into right field.
Go for the burn might fit in those instances when you don't wish to miss. Being sure you've got the proper glove to back up your lightning reflexes. As with any glove, softball fastpitch players know they are not looking to grab the ball, which is what the web pocket is for.
An infielder needs to be qualified to stop the ball, and that means putting it in your palm. The softball fastpitch glove is in the manner of the pancake glove, almost flat, with a thick padded pocket so you can catch the ball every time. Caring for your glove is as consequential as your play.
You want a glove for lighter weight yet durable inside and back components. This makes the gloves more manageable for female hand shapes, yet maintains top grained leather where it's needed the most.
Here is just one example of a very good glove. ABU73 CRYSTL BUSTOS - 12.75 INCH 12.75-inch pattern Game Day Reptilian glove of Crystl Bustos, 2000 USA Gold Medalist, 2001 WPSL Gold Team, 2000-02 Team USA. B-hive web, open back w/ Grasp Clasp wrist system. Uses the same USA Steerhide leather pocket and web as professional models for durability and quality, with leather/blend for the back/inside to keep the glove light and easy to break in.
Softball fastpitch gloves are going to benefit from a good leather oil to bring out the oils used in the manufacturing of most gloves, and keeping your glove softer will just enhance your play. With the good luck you'll be building in playing with your glove, caring for it with regular saddle soap or oil treatments can keep your favorite glove in your game longer!
Light weight, easy to break-in and available in a variety of designs, you're sure to find the softball glove that's right for you. Left-handed gloves (left hand throw) available on most models.
William Smith lives in Florida with his wife and three cats. William writes frequently on many subjects that may be of interest to all. Discover all the joys and secrets of baseball at Baseball's Holy Grail
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009
What to Consider When Choosing Fastpitch Softball Equipment
By Scott Mathewson
Before purchasing your Fastpitch softball equipment, here are some tips to consider before making your final selections.
Most companies now are really concentrating on the growing popularity of the game of Fastpitch softball. They have dedicated a great deal of research and development into the proper fit and the demands of the female athlete. In many of the top vendors, such as Mizuno, Easton, Louisville, Ringor and Schutt they have sections of their inventory dedicated specifically to female athletes.
Selecting fastpitch softball bats is pretty straightforward. All bats legal for fastpitch play must be stamped with an official softball on the bat. The one thing to keep in mind is if the bat is a slow-pitch or fastpitch bat. Most but not all slow-pitch bats are legal in fastpitch play, but must have an ASA stamp on the bat.
Choosing catchers gear in the past was simple because the vendors did not make female specific catchers gear. Today you have a wide variety of choices from manufactures who make catchers gear specifically for fastpitch softball. The cut and fit is designed to properly fit a female frame. Keep in mind when looking for gear for your girl’s team.
When looking for fielding gloves the same is true. Top manufactures like Mizuno, Glovesmith, Louisville Slugger, and Rawlings make female specific gloves in their choices. Typically the gloves are a little larger to accommodate a larger ball than a baseball. The pocket and web of these gloves are usually deeper and wider than a baseball glove. The fingerstalls are narrower and shorter to help fit the smaller hand of females. The size range on these gloves usually ranges from 12"-13.5". Most manufactures try to put an adjustable strap on these specific gloves to allow the athlete to fit the glove down on their wrist for a secure fit. Female athletes can keep this choice in mind when selecting a fastpitch fielding glove.
Making a choice on new bating gloves is very similar to a fielding glove. If you are having trouble finding batting glove, the finger stalls and wrist opening are smaller to fit a female hand better.
A few companies Mizuno, Ringor, make female specific softball shoes. These shoes are not as wide as a unisex. Shoes and are developed by top female Olympic athletes to fit and perform to the demands of fastpitch softball players at all levels.
Keep in mind that you have choices when you are getting ready to make purchases for your female athletes. In today’s market you have a wide variety of choices from different companies that will accommodate your needs. The fit and performance is worth the time spent in choosing the right equipment.
Scott Mathewson is owner of Prime Time Sporting Goods an online and offline supplier of baseball and softball gear and equipment in Omaha, NE, home of the College World Series. Scott knows baseball and you can find find him in his store and get great information from the Coaches Corner - THE source for baseball and softball information and commentary For Fastpitch products see their huge selection.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Advice Corner: Training for Softball Hitting
Making your softball hitting power stay in the highest position can be easy and trouble-free when you have a guidance coming from experts and softball hitters, themselves. Everyone has their own share of opinion regarding the softball hitting techniques. Of course, there are no two persons alike. Similar softball players may appear but still they have a lot of dissimilarities when they play and execute the game.
One of the most difficult skills in any sports is the hitting. Aside from the difficulties of the skill, the complicatedness of giving instructions to the players also adds to the hardship. Sharing and demonstrating a skill in the softball hitting is very hard because the players have a different understanding of the many skills that a trainer is about to teach. The different softball hitting combinations should also be well-thought off so that the reception of the training from the trainers to the trainee is relatively undemanding. Nevertheless, the instructions in some softball drill infield or outfield can be taught in one demonstration only.
With softball hitting, every player is required to plan his own set of directions and hitting drills and techniques in order to boost his own understanding and potential to the softball game, itself. Teaching the softball hitting techniques takes a lot of time, hard work and patience.
However, the initial thought to ponder most is that the training should not be extreme and radical. Start from the basic knowledge and styles, kick off with those that the player should know and then proceed gradually to the more and more tremendous softball hitting drills. Know what your players can do and cannot do. It is important to have a data sheet or daily evaluation page of each player so that you can identify who follows and who cannot follow at the desired drill time. The very young players have a different response on the training so use a style wherein they can easily adapt to it.
As a trainer, you should open your mind when you're training your player. This means that the softball hitting that works for him should be studied well and carefully analyzed. Do not reprimand him in an instant for using a softball hitting skill that you did not teach him. The players also have their own way of thinking. They have their own styles that work for them. Open your heart and mind to these possibilities.
There are also times that the trainers have a feeling of urgency. When they want something or when they train a particular softball hitting style, they want to see the immediate results at once! The game is not like that. Patience should be incorporated in every softball training. There should be an understanding from both sides that there is no perfection without trials.
When you have learned the value of patience, learn the basics of styles shared to you by the trainees. The common misconception when it comes to any training is that the trainer is the boss. He should be listened to. He should be obeyed. Well, partly true. But this has been an obsolete practice. Modern way of teaching is the use of the reciprocate process. You give them the techniques; you ask them about their techniques, too. In this way, you will be able to generate a lot of softball hitting powers that both of you can use in the coming of time.
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About The Author:
Marc Dagenais, MHK, CSCS, is a softball peak performance coach that helps players and teams hit with more power, run faster, throw harder, become mentally tougher, and be more dominant on the softball field. Visit us and sign-up to get tons of great FREE softball hitting tips to boost your game!
One of the most difficult skills in any sports is the hitting. Aside from the difficulties of the skill, the complicatedness of giving instructions to the players also adds to the hardship. Sharing and demonstrating a skill in the softball hitting is very hard because the players have a different understanding of the many skills that a trainer is about to teach. The different softball hitting combinations should also be well-thought off so that the reception of the training from the trainers to the trainee is relatively undemanding. Nevertheless, the instructions in some softball drill infield or outfield can be taught in one demonstration only.
With softball hitting, every player is required to plan his own set of directions and hitting drills and techniques in order to boost his own understanding and potential to the softball game, itself. Teaching the softball hitting techniques takes a lot of time, hard work and patience.
However, the initial thought to ponder most is that the training should not be extreme and radical. Start from the basic knowledge and styles, kick off with those that the player should know and then proceed gradually to the more and more tremendous softball hitting drills. Know what your players can do and cannot do. It is important to have a data sheet or daily evaluation page of each player so that you can identify who follows and who cannot follow at the desired drill time. The very young players have a different response on the training so use a style wherein they can easily adapt to it.
As a trainer, you should open your mind when you're training your player. This means that the softball hitting that works for him should be studied well and carefully analyzed. Do not reprimand him in an instant for using a softball hitting skill that you did not teach him. The players also have their own way of thinking. They have their own styles that work for them. Open your heart and mind to these possibilities.
There are also times that the trainers have a feeling of urgency. When they want something or when they train a particular softball hitting style, they want to see the immediate results at once! The game is not like that. Patience should be incorporated in every softball training. There should be an understanding from both sides that there is no perfection without trials.
When you have learned the value of patience, learn the basics of styles shared to you by the trainees. The common misconception when it comes to any training is that the trainer is the boss. He should be listened to. He should be obeyed. Well, partly true. But this has been an obsolete practice. Modern way of teaching is the use of the reciprocate process. You give them the techniques; you ask them about their techniques, too. In this way, you will be able to generate a lot of softball hitting powers that both of you can use in the coming of time.
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About The Author:
Marc Dagenais, MHK, CSCS, is a softball peak performance coach that helps players and teams hit with more power, run faster, throw harder, become mentally tougher, and be more dominant on the softball field. Visit us and sign-up to get tons of great FREE softball hitting tips to boost your game!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Softball Hitting - 6 Tips to Get Out of a Slump
By Marc Dagenais
This is probably the most frustrating thing in softball and every player will experience them in their career. Hitting slumps in softball are just part of the game like Gatorade or sunflower seeds. You can't avoid them. Isn't it one of the reasons what we call softball a sport of failure and that we all agree that it is such a mental sport?
However, while all ball players struggle periodically at the plate, the better hitters are able to minimize the length of their slumps. They do so by being more aware of what's causing their slumps and what to do about it.
Hitting slumps are caused by a variety of factors and each hitter is different in what's causing her slump, so it would stand to reason that each may be different in the method she employs to get back on the road of success. However, there are several hitting tips that the best softball hitters use to help them get out of their slumps. Here are a few softball hitting tips fight slumps.
1. Take extra batting practice. Taking extra batting practice makes sense, and it's usually the first step taken by hitters in a slump. There is no substitute for hard work. The hitter should identify the fundamental flaw or error in approach, make the proper adjustment, and retrain her body to swing the bat the right way. She needs to get that feeling right again. Extra batting practice helps iron out the swing, and with that, it rebuilds confidence. When hitters put the time in away from competition, they develop a psychological edge that they carry into the game.
There is one extremely important point to understand. Before hopping in the batting cage, hitters must be absolutely sure that they've identified their problem and have a plan for making adjustments during batting practice. In other words, you don't want to get good at doing something the wrong way. You don't want to dig a bigger hole. You have to rehearse proper mechanics whenever you practice hitting.
2. Get back to the basics. In the midst of a slump, hitting can seem very complicated. In that case, it may help to simplify everything. A hitter should go back to what build his swing. Tee work and soft-toss drills allow a player to feel and focus on the fundamentals of the swing. A hitter should walk through basic drills and gradually build towards live batting practice. She may discover that her swing just needed a tune-up.
3. Visualize. When a hitter struggles, it's easy to fall in the habit of expecting the worst. This is never a productive mindset for competitive softball players. Positive thoughts breed positive results especially in a sport like softball. A hitter should think back to when she was swinging the bat well. Recall hard-hit balls to the outfield gap, line drives up the middle, and stroked balls to the opposite field.
Before at bats, instruct the hitter to imagine the pitch she wants and to see herself crushing it. When she sees something positive happening in her own mind, it helps her believe she's capable of actually doing it.
4. Have honest conversation. Many slumps are born of a poor approach at the plate. For example, a hitter may approach each at bat trying to hit every pitch over the outfielder's head. This commonly results in dropping the rear shoulder and swinging under the pitch.
Talk to the hitter and ask her what she's thinking. Is she attempting to hit every pitch over the fence? Is she trying to pull every pitch? Is she simply looking to put the ball in play? Is she afraid to make an out? By asking the hitter to share her thoughts, you may expose the root of the problem.
5. Review videotape. We always say, "Seeing it is believing it." Many young hitters don't want to listen to instruction. Kids can be stubborn, but it's also possible they simply don't believe or don't get it what they're being told. Well, it's one thing to hear it, but it's another thing if they can actually see it. The video camera can serve as an extremely useful tool. It not only provides visual proof but accurately illustrates what may be difficult to place into words.
6. Change. Some players respond positively to change. A change in the stance, pre-swing, mental approach, or even equipment can jump-start a hitting streak. It should not be a major change in mid-season, but a subtle adjustment can have a positive impact. There is more than one way to hit a baseball, so maybe the hitter just needs to shake things up to get himself going. If he believes a minor change makes him a better hitter, by all means, let him do it.
Marc Dagenais is a softball peak performance coach that provides softball tips, softball drills, and information on techniques for hitting, pitching, coaching, and training through his blog at
He also helps softball players and coaches improves their game by sharing with them the tips and strategies used by the world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. You can sign-up to get his FREE Softball Tips at Go Sign-up Now!
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This is probably the most frustrating thing in softball and every player will experience them in their career. Hitting slumps in softball are just part of the game like Gatorade or sunflower seeds. You can't avoid them. Isn't it one of the reasons what we call softball a sport of failure and that we all agree that it is such a mental sport?
However, while all ball players struggle periodically at the plate, the better hitters are able to minimize the length of their slumps. They do so by being more aware of what's causing their slumps and what to do about it.
Hitting slumps are caused by a variety of factors and each hitter is different in what's causing her slump, so it would stand to reason that each may be different in the method she employs to get back on the road of success. However, there are several hitting tips that the best softball hitters use to help them get out of their slumps. Here are a few softball hitting tips fight slumps.
1. Take extra batting practice. Taking extra batting practice makes sense, and it's usually the first step taken by hitters in a slump. There is no substitute for hard work. The hitter should identify the fundamental flaw or error in approach, make the proper adjustment, and retrain her body to swing the bat the right way. She needs to get that feeling right again. Extra batting practice helps iron out the swing, and with that, it rebuilds confidence. When hitters put the time in away from competition, they develop a psychological edge that they carry into the game.
There is one extremely important point to understand. Before hopping in the batting cage, hitters must be absolutely sure that they've identified their problem and have a plan for making adjustments during batting practice. In other words, you don't want to get good at doing something the wrong way. You don't want to dig a bigger hole. You have to rehearse proper mechanics whenever you practice hitting.
2. Get back to the basics. In the midst of a slump, hitting can seem very complicated. In that case, it may help to simplify everything. A hitter should go back to what build his swing. Tee work and soft-toss drills allow a player to feel and focus on the fundamentals of the swing. A hitter should walk through basic drills and gradually build towards live batting practice. She may discover that her swing just needed a tune-up.
3. Visualize. When a hitter struggles, it's easy to fall in the habit of expecting the worst. This is never a productive mindset for competitive softball players. Positive thoughts breed positive results especially in a sport like softball. A hitter should think back to when she was swinging the bat well. Recall hard-hit balls to the outfield gap, line drives up the middle, and stroked balls to the opposite field.
Before at bats, instruct the hitter to imagine the pitch she wants and to see herself crushing it. When she sees something positive happening in her own mind, it helps her believe she's capable of actually doing it.
4. Have honest conversation. Many slumps are born of a poor approach at the plate. For example, a hitter may approach each at bat trying to hit every pitch over the outfielder's head. This commonly results in dropping the rear shoulder and swinging under the pitch.
Talk to the hitter and ask her what she's thinking. Is she attempting to hit every pitch over the fence? Is she trying to pull every pitch? Is she simply looking to put the ball in play? Is she afraid to make an out? By asking the hitter to share her thoughts, you may expose the root of the problem.
5. Review videotape. We always say, "Seeing it is believing it." Many young hitters don't want to listen to instruction. Kids can be stubborn, but it's also possible they simply don't believe or don't get it what they're being told. Well, it's one thing to hear it, but it's another thing if they can actually see it. The video camera can serve as an extremely useful tool. It not only provides visual proof but accurately illustrates what may be difficult to place into words.
6. Change. Some players respond positively to change. A change in the stance, pre-swing, mental approach, or even equipment can jump-start a hitting streak. It should not be a major change in mid-season, but a subtle adjustment can have a positive impact. There is more than one way to hit a baseball, so maybe the hitter just needs to shake things up to get himself going. If he believes a minor change makes him a better hitter, by all means, let him do it.
Marc Dagenais is a softball peak performance coach that provides softball tips, softball drills, and information on techniques for hitting, pitching, coaching, and training through his blog at
He also helps softball players and coaches improves their game by sharing with them the tips and strategies used by the world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. You can sign-up to get his FREE Softball Tips at Go Sign-up Now!
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Sunday, July 12, 2009
Advice Corner: Training for Softball Hitting
By Marc Dagenais
Making your softball hitting power stay in the highest position can be easy and trouble-free when you have a guidance coming from experts and softball hitters, themselves. Everyone has their own share of opinion regarding the softball hitting techniques. Of course, there are no two persons alike. Similar softball players may appear but still they have a lot of dissimilarities when they play and execute the game.
One of the most difficult skills in any sports is the hitting. Aside from the difficulties of the skill, the complicatedness of giving instructions to the players also adds to the hardship. Sharing and demonstrating a skill in the softball hitting is very hard because the players have a different understanding of the many skills that a trainer is about to teach. The different softball hitting combinations should also be well-thought off so that the reception of the training from the trainers to the trainee is relatively undemanding. Nevertheless, the instructions in some softball drill infield or outfield can be taught in one demonstration only.
With softball hitting, every player is required to plan his own set of directions and hitting drills and techniques in order to boost his own understanding and potential to the softball game, itself. Teaching the softball hitting techniques takes a lot of time, hard work and patience.
However, the initial thought to ponder most is that the training should not be extreme and radical. Start from the basic knowledge and styles, kick off with those that the player should know and then proceed gradually to the more and more tremendous softball hitting drills. Know what your players can do and cannot do. It is important to have a data sheet or daily evaluation page of each player so that you can identify who follows and who cannot follow at the desired drill time. The very young players have a different response on the training so use a style wherein they can easily adapt to it.
As a trainer, you should open your mind when you’re training your player. This means that the softball hitting that works for him should be studied well and carefully analyzed. Do not reprimand him in an instant for using a softball hitting skill that you did not teach him. The players also have their own way of thinking. They have their own styles that work for them. Open your heart and mind to these possibilities.
There are also times that the trainers have a feeling of urgency. When they want something or when they train a particular softball hitting style, they want to see the immediate results at once! The game is not like that. Patience should be incorporated in every softball training. There should be an understanding from both sides that there is no perfection without trials.
When you have learned the value of patience, learn the basics of styles shared to you by the trainees. The common misconception when it comes to any training is that the trainer is the boss. He should be listened to. He should be obeyed. Well, partly true. But this has been an obsolete practice. Modern way of teaching is the use of the reciprocate process. You give them the techniques; you ask them about their techniques, too. In this way, you will be able to generate a lot of softball hitting powers that both of you can use in the coming of time.
Marc Dagenais, MHK, CSCS, is a softball peak performance coach that helps players and teams hit with more power, run faster, throw harder, become mentally tougher, and be more dominant on the softball field. Visit us and sign-up to get tons of great FREE softball hitting tips to boost your game!
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Making your softball hitting power stay in the highest position can be easy and trouble-free when you have a guidance coming from experts and softball hitters, themselves. Everyone has their own share of opinion regarding the softball hitting techniques. Of course, there are no two persons alike. Similar softball players may appear but still they have a lot of dissimilarities when they play and execute the game.
One of the most difficult skills in any sports is the hitting. Aside from the difficulties of the skill, the complicatedness of giving instructions to the players also adds to the hardship. Sharing and demonstrating a skill in the softball hitting is very hard because the players have a different understanding of the many skills that a trainer is about to teach. The different softball hitting combinations should also be well-thought off so that the reception of the training from the trainers to the trainee is relatively undemanding. Nevertheless, the instructions in some softball drill infield or outfield can be taught in one demonstration only.
With softball hitting, every player is required to plan his own set of directions and hitting drills and techniques in order to boost his own understanding and potential to the softball game, itself. Teaching the softball hitting techniques takes a lot of time, hard work and patience.
However, the initial thought to ponder most is that the training should not be extreme and radical. Start from the basic knowledge and styles, kick off with those that the player should know and then proceed gradually to the more and more tremendous softball hitting drills. Know what your players can do and cannot do. It is important to have a data sheet or daily evaluation page of each player so that you can identify who follows and who cannot follow at the desired drill time. The very young players have a different response on the training so use a style wherein they can easily adapt to it.
As a trainer, you should open your mind when you’re training your player. This means that the softball hitting that works for him should be studied well and carefully analyzed. Do not reprimand him in an instant for using a softball hitting skill that you did not teach him. The players also have their own way of thinking. They have their own styles that work for them. Open your heart and mind to these possibilities.
There are also times that the trainers have a feeling of urgency. When they want something or when they train a particular softball hitting style, they want to see the immediate results at once! The game is not like that. Patience should be incorporated in every softball training. There should be an understanding from both sides that there is no perfection without trials.
When you have learned the value of patience, learn the basics of styles shared to you by the trainees. The common misconception when it comes to any training is that the trainer is the boss. He should be listened to. He should be obeyed. Well, partly true. But this has been an obsolete practice. Modern way of teaching is the use of the reciprocate process. You give them the techniques; you ask them about their techniques, too. In this way, you will be able to generate a lot of softball hitting powers that both of you can use in the coming of time.
Marc Dagenais, MHK, CSCS, is a softball peak performance coach that helps players and teams hit with more power, run faster, throw harder, become mentally tougher, and be more dominant on the softball field. Visit us and sign-up to get tons of great FREE softball hitting tips to boost your game!
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Saturday, July 11, 2009
Softball Pitcher's Face Mask Should Be Mandatory "There's Nothing Slow About Us!"
By Jim Moyer
The time has come for the Sanctioning bodies of adult softball and youth fastpitch softball to require all softball pitchers and 3rd basemen to wear a protective softball face mask. While the actual risk of being hit in the face with a line drive is slight, the severity of the injury can be blindness or even death. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission in 1991 reported that more than 100,000 cases of facial trauma occurred in children younger than 14 years while they participated in sports activities with a surprisingly high incidence of female pitchers that are hit with a batted ball.
A couple of real life examples that I have witnessed first hand. A few years back when my daughters softball team was just a 10 year old team, we had the opportunity to play a High School Junior Varsity team. During that game, one of our 10 year old girls hit a line shot back at the pitcher. The pitcher was just able to move her head enough that the ball glanced off the side of her head just above her ear. She immediately fell to the ground and everyone rushed the field to see about her. Fortunately the ball had glanced off of her rather than a straight on blunt impact. She only suffered from a rather severe abrasion on her head, a swollen ear, and a pretty good size knot on her head. Understand that I'm talking about a fairly athletic 14 year old girl only had the chance to react and turn her head about 45 degrees to avoid a ball hit by a 10 year old girl.
Just this season I was watching a fastpitch softball game of 12 year old girls. I was sitting by the father of the 3rd baseman and we were discussing how scary it is that coach's have the 3rd baseman play so close to home plate. Many 3rd baseman now play about 20 feet inside 3rd base and even closer when the coach thinks the other team is going to bunt. Later that same inning, a batter ripped a line drive about 18 inches directly over his daughter's head. She didn't even have time to flinch. Honestly, it was so sudden she didn't have time to duck or move her hands for protection. The dad, relieved that his daughter was okay, said, "That's it. I'm online tonight and will buy a protective face mask. She won't play 3rd base again without one."
One might think a protective face mask is only applicable to girls softball, but that would be naive. Just two years ago, I met a man that played recreational slow pitch softball. He proceeded to tell me that he still plays softball but he can no longer pitch. He had been struck in his right eye socket with a batted ball and could not risk being struck again. Are you ready for this, it took three surgeries and 189 stitches to repair the damage to his eye socket, nose, and cheek. I don't know his exact age, but I suspect he was in his late 20's or early 30's when the injury occurred.
The game of softball is the most participated sport in the U.S. Given this level of participation and the possible severity of facial injuries, it just makes sense that players in high risk positions should be required to wear a softball protective face mask. The unfortunate reality is that most people will not wear safety gear until they are required to do so. A couple of years ago, face masks on batting helmets became mandatory. In the year prior to that rule, my daughter's softball team was the only team in our fastpitch softball league that voluntarily put face masks on batting helmets. That's just one team out of approximately 50 teams.
I'm not sure why more players don't wear the protective face mask. I suspect some parents are not aware that it exists and many other parents don't want to spend the $40.00 because the odds are so slim. Imagine what the cost might be for a trip to the emergency room, a week in the hospital, and two or three re-constructive surgeries. That's just the actual financial cost. Also consider the potential of losing sight in one eye, or the mental damage associated with having scars from 189 stitches. Those costs can't be measured.
Now that you have been made aware of the safety issue, the severity of the injury, the knowledge that there are softball protective face masks on the market, what will your position be? Will you be proactive with your local league? If you coach, will you be proactive with your team? Finally, will you be proactive with your daughter, or with yourself if you play softball?
Slow pitch softball and fastpitch softball are great games. I hope you will take the necessary precautions to ensure your safety and those you are responsible for. For more information regarding softball game face protective masks, please see
Jim Moyer is the author of Having coached over 500 youth fastpitch softball games, Jim decided to put the information online to allow parent/coaches to draw on his unique experience.
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Friday, July 10, 2009
Turn Batting Practice Into HITTING Practice
By Jim Moyer
If your batting practice consists of either having your pitcher or a coach pitch to the hitters I am going to change your life forever. Yes, there is a place for this type of practice session but it is RARE. There is no doubt that the more live pitching your hitters see the better they will be able to adjust to different pitchers in a game. HOWEVER, your players need repetition, muscle memory, and enough swings that the coach can determine the flaws in their swing and take corrective action.
The drawbacks of having your pitcher throw batting practice are numerous. Your pitcher probably only throws 50% to 60% of his/her pitches for strikes. That’s a LOT of dead time watching the pitcher throw and the catcher retrieving wild pitches. In a two hour practice each player might get to take ten swings. Hardly enough to build fundamentals or develop muscle memory. You are also faced with having a player get hit by a pitch and thereby become afraid of the ball — WHO NEEDS THAT?!?! And then there is the little problem of all of your other players becoming completely bored while they just stand around waiting and watching. And how about the psychological affect on your pitcher if the batters are hitting the ball…great, now your pitcher feels like a failure.
Okay, then how about if we have a coach pitch? It’s better than having your pitcher pitch but not much. Typically, coaches pitch much slower than what the players face in a game. The coach is relatively distracted from coaching the hitter because he is focused on trying to lob the ball over the plate. How can you watch the batter's feet, hip movement, and arm movement if you are concentrating on making a good pitch? And don’t be fooled into thinking the coach is throwing lots of strikes. Honestly, he’s probably not as consistent as the pitcher.
Enter the Louisville Slugger Pitching Machine. This tool has revolutionized batting practice for the average team. Don’t panic about the cost as it’s only about $150. If you don’t have the money tell the parents you are taking up a collection and everyone needs to chip in $15.00. It is absolutely the PERFECT batting practice tool. It is spring-loaded so you won’t need electricity. It’s very lightweight so it’s easy to carry to the field and it sets up in about 2 minutes. It throws all sizes of balls and you can control the speed from about 20 mph up to about 45 mph. If there is any way possible, you MUST get your hands on this pitching machine.
How is a spring loaded pitching machine going to help my team? You will easily triple the number of swings your hitters get to take. You can have any parent operate the machine which will free you up to stand near the hitter and observe and coach. No more wild pitches and wasting time while the catcher retrieves the ball. They are all strikes. This means your hitters will be hitting and your fielders will stay engaged and have more practice fielding. In case you just glanced over this, let me reiterate these two points: THE COACH CAN CONCENTRATE ON INSTRUCTING THE HITTER and THE HITTER GETS 3X AS MANY SWINGS.
"It’s easy to hit pitches that are grooved right down the middle." I hear that a lot and let me say that argument doesn’t hold water with the Louisville Slugger Pitching Machine and here is why: Ball Positioning. When you load the ball onto the throwing lever you can make the pitch break inside, outside, drop or rise. Yep, it’s true. Just load the ball with the seams rotated to the left or right for a breaking ball and rotate the seams forward or back for a high or low pitch.
For advanced batting practice you might be working on hitting all outside pitches, or all inside pitches. Try that with your girl pitcher or coach pitcher and see how much luck you have! More than likely you will just end up frustrated at whoever is pitching and will not have achieved any of the practice you were hoping for. But with the right pitching achine, you can throw consistently to any part of the plate.
Still not convinced? I use the Louisville Slugger Pitching Machine to divide up my team and play scrimmages. We can usually play an inning in 8-10 minutes. It’s a great way to end a practice. With about 30 minutes left in practice just divide up and play three or four quick innings. The girls love it.
Still need more? I’ve even adjusted the settings on the Louisville Slugger pitching machine to throw fly balls. By the way, this is a great practice drill that can be run by any parent. Set the machine up around home plate, adjust the settings accordingly, throw a couple and go mark where the ball lands. Then from the spot where the ball lands, place a cone about 15’ in front, behind, to the left and to the right. The player stands at the cone and when you shoot the ball she runs to catch it, then she moves to another cone, etc. This is excellent practice for moving to the ball.
I LOVE this little pitching machine. It will increase your team’s batting average tremendously. I have used the Louisville Slugger Pitching Machine with girls age 7 all the way to age 14. It’s going to turn your batters into HITTERS and it’s going to turn your boring batting practice into a time of real achievement and fun.
Oh, did I mention this little rule? In Fastpitch Softball, whoever scores the most runs is the winner. Increase your softball team’s hitting skills and you will most definitely WIN MORE GAMES.
Jim Moyer is the author of
Having coached over 500 youth fastpitch softball games, Jim decided to put the information online to allow parent/coaches to draw on his unique experience.
Visit for reviews on more pitching machines and other essential coaching tools, and learn many skills, drills and game strategies to make your team a Winning team.
Article Source:
Recommended Websites for Softball Coaches
The Softball 2Day Coaching Journal
The Fastpitch Softball Directory
BatAction Hitting Machines
Derek Jeter Hurricane Machines
Joe Mauer Quick Swing Trainer
Advanced Skills Tee
Hands Back Hitter Swing Trainer
Stay Back Tee Baseball Swing Trainer
If your batting practice consists of either having your pitcher or a coach pitch to the hitters I am going to change your life forever. Yes, there is a place for this type of practice session but it is RARE. There is no doubt that the more live pitching your hitters see the better they will be able to adjust to different pitchers in a game. HOWEVER, your players need repetition, muscle memory, and enough swings that the coach can determine the flaws in their swing and take corrective action.
The drawbacks of having your pitcher throw batting practice are numerous. Your pitcher probably only throws 50% to 60% of his/her pitches for strikes. That’s a LOT of dead time watching the pitcher throw and the catcher retrieving wild pitches. In a two hour practice each player might get to take ten swings. Hardly enough to build fundamentals or develop muscle memory. You are also faced with having a player get hit by a pitch and thereby become afraid of the ball — WHO NEEDS THAT?!?! And then there is the little problem of all of your other players becoming completely bored while they just stand around waiting and watching. And how about the psychological affect on your pitcher if the batters are hitting the ball…great, now your pitcher feels like a failure.
Okay, then how about if we have a coach pitch? It’s better than having your pitcher pitch but not much. Typically, coaches pitch much slower than what the players face in a game. The coach is relatively distracted from coaching the hitter because he is focused on trying to lob the ball over the plate. How can you watch the batter's feet, hip movement, and arm movement if you are concentrating on making a good pitch? And don’t be fooled into thinking the coach is throwing lots of strikes. Honestly, he’s probably not as consistent as the pitcher.
Enter the Louisville Slugger Pitching Machine. This tool has revolutionized batting practice for the average team. Don’t panic about the cost as it’s only about $150. If you don’t have the money tell the parents you are taking up a collection and everyone needs to chip in $15.00. It is absolutely the PERFECT batting practice tool. It is spring-loaded so you won’t need electricity. It’s very lightweight so it’s easy to carry to the field and it sets up in about 2 minutes. It throws all sizes of balls and you can control the speed from about 20 mph up to about 45 mph. If there is any way possible, you MUST get your hands on this pitching machine.
How is a spring loaded pitching machine going to help my team? You will easily triple the number of swings your hitters get to take. You can have any parent operate the machine which will free you up to stand near the hitter and observe and coach. No more wild pitches and wasting time while the catcher retrieves the ball. They are all strikes. This means your hitters will be hitting and your fielders will stay engaged and have more practice fielding. In case you just glanced over this, let me reiterate these two points: THE COACH CAN CONCENTRATE ON INSTRUCTING THE HITTER and THE HITTER GETS 3X AS MANY SWINGS.
"It’s easy to hit pitches that are grooved right down the middle." I hear that a lot and let me say that argument doesn’t hold water with the Louisville Slugger Pitching Machine and here is why: Ball Positioning. When you load the ball onto the throwing lever you can make the pitch break inside, outside, drop or rise. Yep, it’s true. Just load the ball with the seams rotated to the left or right for a breaking ball and rotate the seams forward or back for a high or low pitch.
For advanced batting practice you might be working on hitting all outside pitches, or all inside pitches. Try that with your girl pitcher or coach pitcher and see how much luck you have! More than likely you will just end up frustrated at whoever is pitching and will not have achieved any of the practice you were hoping for. But with the right pitching achine, you can throw consistently to any part of the plate.
Still not convinced? I use the Louisville Slugger Pitching Machine to divide up my team and play scrimmages. We can usually play an inning in 8-10 minutes. It’s a great way to end a practice. With about 30 minutes left in practice just divide up and play three or four quick innings. The girls love it.
Still need more? I’ve even adjusted the settings on the Louisville Slugger pitching machine to throw fly balls. By the way, this is a great practice drill that can be run by any parent. Set the machine up around home plate, adjust the settings accordingly, throw a couple and go mark where the ball lands. Then from the spot where the ball lands, place a cone about 15’ in front, behind, to the left and to the right. The player stands at the cone and when you shoot the ball she runs to catch it, then she moves to another cone, etc. This is excellent practice for moving to the ball.
I LOVE this little pitching machine. It will increase your team’s batting average tremendously. I have used the Louisville Slugger Pitching Machine with girls age 7 all the way to age 14. It’s going to turn your batters into HITTERS and it’s going to turn your boring batting practice into a time of real achievement and fun.
Oh, did I mention this little rule? In Fastpitch Softball, whoever scores the most runs is the winner. Increase your softball team’s hitting skills and you will most definitely WIN MORE GAMES.
Jim Moyer is the author of
Having coached over 500 youth fastpitch softball games, Jim decided to put the information online to allow parent/coaches to draw on his unique experience.
Visit for reviews on more pitching machines and other essential coaching tools, and learn many skills, drills and game strategies to make your team a Winning team.
Article Source:
Recommended Websites for Softball Coaches
The Softball 2Day Coaching Journal
The Fastpitch Softball Directory
BatAction Hitting Machines
Derek Jeter Hurricane Machines
Joe Mauer Quick Swing Trainer
Advanced Skills Tee
Hands Back Hitter Swing Trainer
Stay Back Tee Baseball Swing Trainer
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Easton Fastpitch Softball Bats - Stealth Clarity & Synergy
By Brian Gooberneck
Before 1969 bat manufacturing was a pretty straight forward affair. That all changed when Easton released the first aluminum bat, a radical change in technology that launched the little known company into the limelight. Since then Easton has continued to innovate, with each item in their complete line of fastpitch softball bats, gloves and bags reflecting the careful consideration they give to functionality and technology. Their exclusive, patented technologies such as Carbon Nanotube (CNT), Vibration Reduction System (VRS) and Visual Composite Technology (VCT or Clarity), just to name a few; raise the bar in both functionality of a fastpitch softball bat and integrity of the game.
The Easton Clarity models, in particular, bring to the game a new era of bat integrity and performance. It's well known that once these composite bats are fully broken in they become more flexible and give more pop when hit. Although this is great for the individual user, it provides an unfair advantage in competition and is not allowed in league play. To counteract this, the various governing boards have set guidelines for bat usage; but until Clarity, there was no way to tell when a bat has been used beyond its legal limit. Clarity is an ultra-thin see through layer that encases the surface of the bat. This layer will start to develop tiny white cracks along the surface as the composite material starts to break down. By the time the bat is beyond legal usage it will be completely white, making it easier for Umps to determine the eligibility of the bat, thereby effectively maintaining the integrity of the ball game.
Of the Clarity models, the 2009 Easton Stealth Clarity is the most popular fastpitch softball bat around, and for good reason. The bat features ConneXion, the patented 2-piece technology that acts like a hinge and provides the most efficient energy transfer from handle to barrel. Also featured is CNT, a composite material that delivers both strength and flexibility, effectively lengthening the sweetspot. This combination of ConneXion and CNT make for a fast swinging bat with maximum head speed driving power into one of the longest hitting zones.
Another popular option is the Easton Synergy Clarity. This Easton fastpitch softball bat is also made of CNT, giving one of the longest hitting zones, but also features VRS (Vibration Reduction System) which eliminates vibration from hitting, making this one of the most comfortable bats to use. The Easton Synergy Clarity complies with all bat performance standards including ASA, USSSA, NSA, ISA, SSUSA, and ISF. Unlike the Easton Stealth Clarity, the Easton Synergy doesn't use ConneXion technology, delivering peace of mind to those who worry about breakage.
To know more about Easton fastpitch bats and easton fastpitch softball bats easton stealth fastpitch, easton synergy fastpitch, easton stealth clarity, easton synergy clarity visit for more details.
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Recommended Websites for Softball Coaches
The Softball 2Day Coaching Journal
The Fastpitch Softball Directory
BatAction Hitting Machines
Derek Jeter Hurricane Machines
Joe Mauer Quick Swing Trainer
Advanced Skills Tee
Hands Back Hitter Swing Trainer
Stay Back Tee Baseball Swing Trainer
Before 1969 bat manufacturing was a pretty straight forward affair. That all changed when Easton released the first aluminum bat, a radical change in technology that launched the little known company into the limelight. Since then Easton has continued to innovate, with each item in their complete line of fastpitch softball bats, gloves and bags reflecting the careful consideration they give to functionality and technology. Their exclusive, patented technologies such as Carbon Nanotube (CNT), Vibration Reduction System (VRS) and Visual Composite Technology (VCT or Clarity), just to name a few; raise the bar in both functionality of a fastpitch softball bat and integrity of the game.
The Easton Clarity models, in particular, bring to the game a new era of bat integrity and performance. It's well known that once these composite bats are fully broken in they become more flexible and give more pop when hit. Although this is great for the individual user, it provides an unfair advantage in competition and is not allowed in league play. To counteract this, the various governing boards have set guidelines for bat usage; but until Clarity, there was no way to tell when a bat has been used beyond its legal limit. Clarity is an ultra-thin see through layer that encases the surface of the bat. This layer will start to develop tiny white cracks along the surface as the composite material starts to break down. By the time the bat is beyond legal usage it will be completely white, making it easier for Umps to determine the eligibility of the bat, thereby effectively maintaining the integrity of the ball game.
Of the Clarity models, the 2009 Easton Stealth Clarity is the most popular fastpitch softball bat around, and for good reason. The bat features ConneXion, the patented 2-piece technology that acts like a hinge and provides the most efficient energy transfer from handle to barrel. Also featured is CNT, a composite material that delivers both strength and flexibility, effectively lengthening the sweetspot. This combination of ConneXion and CNT make for a fast swinging bat with maximum head speed driving power into one of the longest hitting zones.
Another popular option is the Easton Synergy Clarity. This Easton fastpitch softball bat is also made of CNT, giving one of the longest hitting zones, but also features VRS (Vibration Reduction System) which eliminates vibration from hitting, making this one of the most comfortable bats to use. The Easton Synergy Clarity complies with all bat performance standards including ASA, USSSA, NSA, ISA, SSUSA, and ISF. Unlike the Easton Stealth Clarity, the Easton Synergy doesn't use ConneXion technology, delivering peace of mind to those who worry about breakage.
To know more about Easton fastpitch bats and easton fastpitch softball bats easton stealth fastpitch, easton synergy fastpitch, easton stealth clarity, easton synergy clarity visit for more details.
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Recommended Websites for Softball Coaches
The Softball 2Day Coaching Journal
The Fastpitch Softball Directory
BatAction Hitting Machines
Derek Jeter Hurricane Machines
Joe Mauer Quick Swing Trainer
Advanced Skills Tee
Hands Back Hitter Swing Trainer
Stay Back Tee Baseball Swing Trainer
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Four Little-Known Baseball/Softball Training Secrets, PART 1
By Steve Zawrotny
Train for POWER
Baseball and softball are not games of strength, but of EXPLOSIVE POWER. Just how strong do you have to be to pick up a 5 oz baseball, or a 30 oz bat? On the other hand, propelling that 5 oz ball 90+ mph, or hitting a ball 400+ feet with that 30 oz bat requires tremendous power - the ability to perform work. In this case, the work of playing baseball and softball at a high level.
In both games, while they can be slow in duration, the various activities that comprise a game are short and quick. Rarely does a play take longer than 6 or 7 seconds. There are exceptions, of course - an inside the park homer, or an extended rundown or "pickle." But, for the most part, things happen very quickly on the diamond.
Why does this matter to you?
Well, let me ask you this: how often have you heard coaches tell pitchers to condition themselves by running laps - Long, Slow Distance (LSD) training, or to spend a lot of time pedaling a bike?
If you've been around as long as I have, you've seen this a lot. Here's the problems: these coaches (and many players) incorrectly think that LSD (or aerobic) conditioning improves player performance. In fact, studies show the aerobic demands (the amount of oxygen needed by the body) of baseball and softball to be very low.
In fact, the oxygen uptake of a baseball pitcher (the most active position) is a low 45% of the maximum needed. Apparently the rest pitchers get between each pitch and in-between innings is sufficient to replenish the main energy system used.
Baseball and softball are considered to be "alactic anaerobic" sports in terms of the energy system utilized, with pitchers in both sports the busiest players on the field. What this means is that there is little to no lactic acid buildup as a result of this activity. That burning feeling you get when you lift weights really hard is a result of a buildup of lactic acid, a by-product of that (and other) short-term, intense types of exercise.
Have you ever heard of a ball player complaining of this problem?
Consider the baseball pitcher: it takes about 0.15 seconds from the time the front foot contacts the ground until the ball is released. Very little lactic acid can be built up in this short burst of activity. The primary source of fatigue in pitching is not metabolic, but neural. [1]
Again, why does this matter to you?
Because studies show that LSD training significantly detracts from power, strength, and speed development.
Reduce these characteristics, and you educe your ability to throw with high velocity, hit with power, and run at high speed. Look at the bodies of sprinters vs. marathoners. You don't have to be built like a sprinter to be successful as a ball player, but this illustrates how training affects one's body, conditioning, and hence, ability to perform.
Put another way: Train Slow, Perform Slow.
As mentioned earlier, aside from the game itself (which can be be long and slow) things happen quickly on the ball field. Playing softball and baseball requires high velocity, ballistic movements like throwing a fast, well located pitch, taking a hard swing at this high velocity pitch, and exploding out of the batter's box to sprint down the first base line.
So how should you train?
To augment the aforementioned activities, concentrate on developing power, flexibility, and speed. Weight lifting, plyometrics, flexibility, and short burst sprint interval training should form the basis of conditioning for baseball and softball players.
[1] Gambetta, V. A Big Windup. Training & Conditioning, p. 43 March 2003
Steve Zawrotny, MS, CSCS 405.373.3253 FREE REPORT: "Harmful Resistance Exercises Baseball/Softball Players Should Avoid" VISIT:
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Train for POWER
Baseball and softball are not games of strength, but of EXPLOSIVE POWER. Just how strong do you have to be to pick up a 5 oz baseball, or a 30 oz bat? On the other hand, propelling that 5 oz ball 90+ mph, or hitting a ball 400+ feet with that 30 oz bat requires tremendous power - the ability to perform work. In this case, the work of playing baseball and softball at a high level.
In both games, while they can be slow in duration, the various activities that comprise a game are short and quick. Rarely does a play take longer than 6 or 7 seconds. There are exceptions, of course - an inside the park homer, or an extended rundown or "pickle." But, for the most part, things happen very quickly on the diamond.
Why does this matter to you?
Well, let me ask you this: how often have you heard coaches tell pitchers to condition themselves by running laps - Long, Slow Distance (LSD) training, or to spend a lot of time pedaling a bike?
If you've been around as long as I have, you've seen this a lot. Here's the problems: these coaches (and many players) incorrectly think that LSD (or aerobic) conditioning improves player performance. In fact, studies show the aerobic demands (the amount of oxygen needed by the body) of baseball and softball to be very low.
In fact, the oxygen uptake of a baseball pitcher (the most active position) is a low 45% of the maximum needed. Apparently the rest pitchers get between each pitch and in-between innings is sufficient to replenish the main energy system used.
Baseball and softball are considered to be "alactic anaerobic" sports in terms of the energy system utilized, with pitchers in both sports the busiest players on the field. What this means is that there is little to no lactic acid buildup as a result of this activity. That burning feeling you get when you lift weights really hard is a result of a buildup of lactic acid, a by-product of that (and other) short-term, intense types of exercise.
Have you ever heard of a ball player complaining of this problem?
Consider the baseball pitcher: it takes about 0.15 seconds from the time the front foot contacts the ground until the ball is released. Very little lactic acid can be built up in this short burst of activity. The primary source of fatigue in pitching is not metabolic, but neural. [1]
Again, why does this matter to you?
Because studies show that LSD training significantly detracts from power, strength, and speed development.
Reduce these characteristics, and you educe your ability to throw with high velocity, hit with power, and run at high speed. Look at the bodies of sprinters vs. marathoners. You don't have to be built like a sprinter to be successful as a ball player, but this illustrates how training affects one's body, conditioning, and hence, ability to perform.
Put another way: Train Slow, Perform Slow.
As mentioned earlier, aside from the game itself (which can be be long and slow) things happen quickly on the ball field. Playing softball and baseball requires high velocity, ballistic movements like throwing a fast, well located pitch, taking a hard swing at this high velocity pitch, and exploding out of the batter's box to sprint down the first base line.
So how should you train?
To augment the aforementioned activities, concentrate on developing power, flexibility, and speed. Weight lifting, plyometrics, flexibility, and short burst sprint interval training should form the basis of conditioning for baseball and softball players.
[1] Gambetta, V. A Big Windup. Training & Conditioning, p. 43 March 2003
Steve Zawrotny, MS, CSCS 405.373.3253 FREE REPORT: "Harmful Resistance Exercises Baseball/Softball Players Should Avoid" VISIT:
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Fastpitch Softball Hitting Drills
By Marc Dagenais
Here are some great softball hitting drills for you to use which will improve your performance with the bat:
Drill 1 - Barrier Behind
Purpose: To emphasize taking the hands directly to the ball and keeping the barrel up.
Procedure: The batter's rear foot is parallel to the side of a batting cage and in contact with the net. The batter swings by taking her hands to the ball and keeping the bat barrel up. The bat should not touch the barrier on the swing.
Drill 2 - Look at Pitcher, Then Hit
Purpose: To practice refocusing from the pitcher to the point of contact.
Procedure: The batter at a T looks out at an imaginary pitcher and then refocuses on the T and takes a normal swing.
Drill 3 - Drop Toss
Purpose: To develop hand speed to the ball.
Procedure: The batter assumes her stance with a partner facing her with the ball held at should height. The batter tells the partner when to drop the ball. The partner releases the ball and pulls her arm up away from the strike zone. The batter takes a full swing.
Drill 4 - Rise-Ball Pitcher
Purpose: To practice hitting a rise ball.
Procedure: Take the legs off the pitching machine and position the machine on the ground. The pitched ball will then come from a low position to a high position. The batter must swing at only strikes. This drill can be done on the field with fielders and base runners on in a batting cage.
Drill 5 - Target Hitting
Purpose: To develop the right-handed batter's skill of hitting an outside pitch to right field and an inside pitch to left field, and vice versa for the left-handed batter.
Purpose: In batting practice the batter must hit into an assigned area of the field. For example, the first pitch a right-handed batter hits must be to right field. She will need to be sure to wait for an outside pitch. On her next swing she must try to pull the ball, and therefore look for an inside pitch. This drill can be done with or without fielders and base runners.
Marc Dagenais is a softball peak performance coach that provides softball tips, softball drills, and information on techniques for hitting, pitching, coaching, and training through his blog at
He also helps softball players and coaches improves their game by sharing with them the tips and strategies used by the world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. You can sign-up to get his FREE Softball Tips at Go Sign-up Now!
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Friday, July 3, 2009
The Fundamental Attitudes of Softball Training
By Marc Dagenais
If you are a sports enthusiast and you also you like the competition and most especially, you like fun, fun, and more fun when playing a sport, well then, softball is definitely a yes, yes, yes sports activity for you! It does not only give you an immense gratification during weekend with your family or friends but also it provides healthful benefits on many ways.
Softball ideas should not only be confined in the tips on pitching, hitting, catching and throwing. Softball tips on training to boost the mind, the body and the attitude should also be considered as part of the game. Why not? If you're the unsurpassed softball team member yet you luck the qualities and the quantities of a competitor, you should be ashamed of yourself!
Softball is not just a game. It is a sport that tells a story of a player who prepares himself to a lifelong career. So here are what you should take into consideration when you want to train yourself develop a long-lasting softball life and career.
· Vision about what you want to become. Hit on what you want to be and as much as possible unite it with your passion. The enthusiasm is what fuels your dream. And when you dream, you should dream big. Dreaming big things will bring you closer to reaching more and more achievements. You will become unstoppable and full of effort to do whatever is prepared for you. Commit to your dream and mission. Make your dream the number one priority in your life.
· Formulate a plan-specifically a practice plan. One of the universal behaviors of the most successful sports people in the world is that they act according to their plans. They know where they are going. Classify where you want to go and categorize the obstacles you will face to get there and lay down a plan to conquer over the obstacles and get to your final objective as quickly as possible.
· Start your day with a morning exercises. Morning workouts are great. Treat your sport like it's the most significant program of the day. Build up routines to help you get in the zone.
· Raise contact with people who are also sports enthusiasts. You should have a day book of individuals who can be of good influence to your sports career. Let in people who are positive thinkers, those who can support your endeavor. As much as possible, limit contact with people who can't be of good influence to you.
· Put into practice the big letter "D" or Discipline. Self-discipline is the magic power that makes you virtually unstoppable. Self-discipline is one of the most frequent traits of the world's most conquering sports people. Stay aggravated when you are having the preparation, training and practice.
When your softball career is over, you will realize how much softball training has prepared you for life after sports. The healthy benefits it bring can uplift your body, mind and spirit. In softball sport, you can be your own trainer. You don't have to wait for anybody to tell you what to do. Don't let temptations or obstacles get in the way of what you have to do. Be relentless about doing what you have to do to achieve your goals. Become unstoppable!
Marc Dagenais, MHK, CSCS, is a softball strength coach that helps players and teams hit with more power, run faster, throw harder, be mentally tougher, and more dominant on the field. Get a FREE copy of my report on the Softball's 10 Deadliest Training Mistakes at:
Article Source: - Online Super Store.
If you are a sports enthusiast and you also you like the competition and most especially, you like fun, fun, and more fun when playing a sport, well then, softball is definitely a yes, yes, yes sports activity for you! It does not only give you an immense gratification during weekend with your family or friends but also it provides healthful benefits on many ways.
Softball ideas should not only be confined in the tips on pitching, hitting, catching and throwing. Softball tips on training to boost the mind, the body and the attitude should also be considered as part of the game. Why not? If you're the unsurpassed softball team member yet you luck the qualities and the quantities of a competitor, you should be ashamed of yourself!
Softball is not just a game. It is a sport that tells a story of a player who prepares himself to a lifelong career. So here are what you should take into consideration when you want to train yourself develop a long-lasting softball life and career.
· Vision about what you want to become. Hit on what you want to be and as much as possible unite it with your passion. The enthusiasm is what fuels your dream. And when you dream, you should dream big. Dreaming big things will bring you closer to reaching more and more achievements. You will become unstoppable and full of effort to do whatever is prepared for you. Commit to your dream and mission. Make your dream the number one priority in your life.
· Formulate a plan-specifically a practice plan. One of the universal behaviors of the most successful sports people in the world is that they act according to their plans. They know where they are going. Classify where you want to go and categorize the obstacles you will face to get there and lay down a plan to conquer over the obstacles and get to your final objective as quickly as possible.
· Start your day with a morning exercises. Morning workouts are great. Treat your sport like it's the most significant program of the day. Build up routines to help you get in the zone.
· Raise contact with people who are also sports enthusiasts. You should have a day book of individuals who can be of good influence to your sports career. Let in people who are positive thinkers, those who can support your endeavor. As much as possible, limit contact with people who can't be of good influence to you.
· Put into practice the big letter "D" or Discipline. Self-discipline is the magic power that makes you virtually unstoppable. Self-discipline is one of the most frequent traits of the world's most conquering sports people. Stay aggravated when you are having the preparation, training and practice.
When your softball career is over, you will realize how much softball training has prepared you for life after sports. The healthy benefits it bring can uplift your body, mind and spirit. In softball sport, you can be your own trainer. You don't have to wait for anybody to tell you what to do. Don't let temptations or obstacles get in the way of what you have to do. Be relentless about doing what you have to do to achieve your goals. Become unstoppable!
Marc Dagenais, MHK, CSCS, is a softball strength coach that helps players and teams hit with more power, run faster, throw harder, be mentally tougher, and more dominant on the field. Get a FREE copy of my report on the Softball's 10 Deadliest Training Mistakes at:
Article Source: - Online Super Store.
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