The Fastpitch Softball Training Equipment Blog is your online source to softball hitting, softball pitching and softball fielding training equipment. Site features softball coaching and softball training drills, softball tips, softball articles and fast pitch softball training product reviews.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Easton's new one-piece composite softball bats

Introducing Easton's new line of one-piece composite softball bats, including the Synergy. For more info, visit


Thanks to our sponsor: is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. has Batting Trainers,Pitching Training, Training Bats,Defensive Training Equipment,Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit now!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Softball Overview : How to Fix Your Softball Swing

Softball Overview : How to Fix Your Softball Swing

Fix a softball swing by seeing a hitting coach or hitting off a batting tee. Correct a softball swing with tips from a former collegiate All-American softball player in this free video on softball.

Expert: Jill Weiss
Bio: Jill Weiss was a Division 1 All American Softball player at Indiana State University. She is currently coaching softball and soccer athletes at Showtime Sports Academy in Franklin, Tenn.
Filmmaker: Tim Brown


Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine
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---15 Reasons To Buy a Hurricane Trainer
---6 Questions Often Asked By Customers
---Message to Parents From Coach Nick
---Hurricane Hitting Machine Drills
---20-Minute Hurricane Batting Practice Workout
---Hurricane Hitting Machine Video Demo Clips has a one of the internet's largest selections of baseball coaching and training dvds.

Hurricane Video

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tips to Using a Softball Pitching Machine Safely

Coaching Tips to Using a Softball Pitching Machine Safely
By Guest Author Tyler A. Richardson

If you want to improve your skills as a batter, then making use of a softball pitching machine is a great way to do so. These tools are simply a must have for softball drills and can literally function as an extra coach that pitches balls to you. However, these machines should always be treated with special care so the following are tips to helping you use them safely.

Before getting started, it is absolutely essential that you wear protective gear in order to prevent the risk of any injuries which could occur. Be sure to wear a certified helmet that comes with straps to help ensure that it is firmly in place and won't fall off. Wearing such gear is important especially if you are dealing with a pitching machine that pitches in exceed of 50 miles an hour.

While these machines are great for getting batting practice on your own, it is still a good idea to have an adult around so they can help to supervise your actions. Should any injury occur, then you will be in a much better position to receive aid versus if you are alone. If no one is able to accompany you, then it is definitely a good idea to have a first aid kit with you just in case as you can never really be too safe.

When using a softball pitching machine, you might want to start off with a slower pitching speed so that you can get some practice before adjusting it to a faster speed. Not only will this help to improve your swing, but it's also a great way to warm up first. With that said, safety is really important so be sure to take the above tips seriously before using such a device.

Want to learn more?

Get free information about the softball pitching machine including product reviews and ratings.

Read pitching machine reviews to find out which one comes highly recommended.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Softball Training Drills - Directional Cross-Over Step Softball Peak Performance Coach Marc Dagenais demonstrates a softball drills on how to change the angle of your body to accelerate in any direction on your right or left.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

JUGS Softball Pitching Machine

This is the Jugs M1100 Softball Pitching Machine has established itself as the most popular and widely used softball pitching machine in the world. The Jugs Softball Pitching Machine has a realistic underhand delivery. It has a patented "always see the ball" delivery system. The Jugs M1100 has a new Digital readout display allowing you to now set your Jugs Softball Machine to throw at the exact speed you desire. The Jugs Softball Pitching Machine throws straight balls, risers and drops for fastpitch teams, and perfect arching-tosses for slow pitch teams. Its swivel design base casting provides 360 degrees of movement for fly balls, pop-ups and ground balls. Many coaches use this machine for more efficient and higher quality practices. It is portable and easy to move and set up; weighs only 75 lbs. There is also an optional Jugs Softball Transport Cart that attaches to the machine making it even easier to move by simply tilting and rolling the machine on the Transport Cart's base and wheels. It throws 11 inch and 12 inch softballs, Sting-Free softballs, Jugs Lite-Flite softballs, Jugs SOFTIE softballs and the new Jugs BULLDOG.

Thanks to our sponsor: is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. has Batting Trainers,Pitching Training, Training Bats,Defensive Training Equipment,Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit now!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Advice on Buying a Softball Mitt

Tips on Buying a Softball Mitt
By Guest Author Scott Hulet

Softball is an exciting sport that has been seeing an increase in popularity in recent years. Both fastpitch leagues as well as recreational slow pitch organizations have seen an influx of new players. While softball is a largely uncomplicated game that does not require a lot of expensive equipment, one piece of equipment that all players must have is their very own softball glove. Without a glove a player is going to have a difficult time trying to catch those hard line drives or scoop up those tricky ground balls with lots of backspin. A glove will also protect the hand from the sting that a sharply hit softball can cause.

So what does a new player look for when in the market for a softball glove? Softball mitts come in a number of varieties depending on the position being played. A first baseman, for instance, will use a slightly elongated mitt that will help to field throws from the infielders. A shortstop, on the other hand, will use a glove with a shallow pocket that will help them to make the quick catch and throw. It is absolutely important to look for a mitt that is geared to the position that you play. If you are a utility player who plays a number of positions then a utility glove will be the best choice. These gloves are average in length and width and will be suitable for just about anywhere on the diamond.

Another thing to consider is the fit of your new softball mitt. It is very important that the glove fits just right and it not too loose or too tight on your wrist. Many times a parent will buy their child a glove that is too large for them on the assumption that they will grow into it. This is not a great idea because it can lead to the development of improper fielding mechanics. For growing players, look for a glove with an adjustable wrist strap for an individual fit.

Softball is a great sport but it is important to always take the field with the right equipment if you want to perform at your best. If you are new to the game you may want to try on a few mitts at your local sporting goods store before deciding which one to buy. Keep in mind that the glove will soften once you break it in, so don't overlook a glove that fits well but seems a little bit stiff when you try to squeeze it.

Scott Hulet is an amateur softball coach who has been using softball mitts for over 20 years. Check out his insight into the world of slow pitch softball gloves at his website.

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Softball Bat Terminology - What Does it All Mean to Me?

Softball Bat Terminology - What Does it All Mean to Me?
By Guest Author Janet K Hansen

Serious athletes of all ability levels appreciate the reality that today's athletic equipment sports an amazing level of technological and design sophistication that means the perfect piece of gear can be found for every pursuit. If softball is your game, and it is the preferred choice of millions, then you love today's awesome line-up of clubs, boppers, tools, lumber - that is, softball bats. With that terminology on our tongues, let's take a look at the terminology used to describe and evaluate the hitting sticks offered by today's leading manufacturers like Easton, Mizuno, Rawlings, Miken, and DeMarini.

Softball Bat Dimensions. A softball bat is measured in terms of length and weight. Back in the day, the wood bat you used in little league probably had a one to one ratio of length to weight - a 30 inch bat usually weighed about 30 ounces. Today's advanced materials that include not only aluminum but composites like Kevlar, that are very light relative to weight. Today, a typical 32 inch softball bat will weigh about 22 ounces, producing a -10 ratio, meaning it's 10 less ounces than it is inches. Such ratios produce greater bat speed, the major component of power. Common lengths range from 31 to 34 inches, while weights extend from 20 to 27 ounces. The grips of today's best softball bats or made either of rubber for cushioned comfort, or of high-density, high-stick composite for better feel.

Now, moving to the specifics of bat performance, the first term to know is "sweet spot." Golfers understand that this is the area of the club that will produce the optimum results of contact. A large sweet spot in a softball bat means that even slightly miss-hit swings will still produce plenty of pop. Larger barrels will generally have a larger sweet spot.

The next term is "line drive," which we all know means a rope coming off the bat. The line drive measurement is really a reflection of the first term, sweet spot. The larger the sweet spot, the higher the percentage of struck balls will be line drives. The term "distance" is self-explanatory. Good design and superior materials mean that the same hitter will get more distance out of some bats than others. The terms "feel" or "sting" are interchangeable, and reflect the level of vibration transmitted through the bat to the hands upon contact. The more the hit is displaced throughout the bat, the less sting, or the better the feel. Good bats will let you know whether you made good contact without making you pay for it with sore hands. Feel is often enhanced with specialized grips or a narrower than usual handle that allows more palm and finger to bat contact.

The "strength" of a softball bat usually refers to the thickness of the bat wall. Lighter materials can be thicker, without adding weight which reduces bat speed, and thicker walls typically deliver more power, which any hitter welcomes. Finally, "durability" or "toughness" applies to the longevity one can expect from a bat. Better materials will last longer without cracking, warping, or breaking. When shopping for your next piece of lumber, it is helpful to understand the terminology the reviews and product descriptions are employing, even if it's not made of wood.

Janet Hansen is a softball coach in NC and helps others understand how to choose the right softball bat for their needs, at her Softball Bat Review website, You can also learn batting tips and join in the discussion along the way!

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Baseball & Softball Coaches Equipment - Magnetic Lineup Board Review

Baseball & Fastpitch Softball Coaches Equipment - Magnetic Lineup Board Review
By Guest Author Jim Moyer

If you don't have an easy to read line-up posted in the dugout you are hurting yourself, your players, and subsequently your team by allowing yourself and the team to be distracted from the game. Let's face it, it's information that you want to have ready access to, and you want your players to have ready access to as well. So why are you keeping this vital information on a scratch piece of paper or on a carbon copy that is barely legible?

The best magnetic lineup board is about 8.5" x 14" and consists of a position diagram of the softball field on the top, positions for a batting order on the bottom, and a hook so it can be easily hung in the dugout for everyone to see. You simply place magnets with the player's names in the position on the diagram that they will be playing. If you will be subbing in to a position you can go ahead and put the sub's magnetic above or below the starter's magnet. The same is true with the batting order. If you know you will be subbing in for a hitter just put the sub's magnet next to the starter's magnet.

The real beauty to a magnetic lineup board is before the game has started when you are putting together your game strategy. After making your initial batting order it's very easy to adjust for who's hot and who's not, or if you need a bunter in the second or third position, and if you change the batting order will that change who you want to play on defense and where you can make those changes. You can also see the effect your substitutions will have on positions and the batting order. What you used to have to envision in your mind you can now see on the board, both offensively and defensively and for the entirety of the game not just the start of the game. It let's you create your game strategy prior to the game. It's called HAVING A PLAN.

Hey Coach, Listen Up

The decisions you make in determining your lineup WILL AFFECT the outcome of the game. Once the game has started there's not much opportunity to correct a poor batting order. Sometimes it's easy to put together a line up. Other times, we've spent 10 or 15 minutes maneuvering players around on our magnetic lineup board to assess the strengths and weaknesses and determining what we needed for the upcoming game. I can't imagine going through this exercise with paper and pen.

Whether your fastpitch softball team, or baseball team, is a beginning team or a highly skilled tournament team, putting your players in the right positions, building the best batting order, and having a plan for your substitutions, will decide the outcome of many fastpitch softball games. A magnetic lineup board costs about $20.00. Twenty dollars is a cheap investment to KNOW that you have given your team their best opportunity to win. Hey, it's worth the twenty bucks just not to have to answer the question "who do I bat after" 500 times during the season.

There are two magnetic lineup boards on the market. The Easton brand and the Coacher brand. They both cost about $20.00, HOWEVER, the Coacher board is the clear winner. The Easton board does not have a field diagram which prevents you from visualizing the starting defense and, just as important, the defense after substitutions have been made. The Coacher board does have the field diagram.

In conclusion, I would grade the Easton board a C because it is better than using a piece of paper. The Coacher board gets an A+ as it is the complete package and the superior product. For the same investment, you have the choice of the Mercedes or the Pinto.

Having coached over 500 youth fastpitch softball games, Coach Jim decided to put his insight online to allow parent/coaches to draw on his unique experience. At he has compiled a comprehensive list of softball game strategies, softball drills, softball tips, and techniques that are sure to help any coach become successful.

Visit for numerous reviews on softball equipment, softball bats, pitching machines and other essential coaching tools, to make your team a Winning team. Before you make any softball equipment purchases be sure to read Jim's review to make sure you don't buy the wrong equipment.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fastpitch Softball Glove Review ACE70

Fastpitch Softball Glove Review Akadema ACE70
By Brad Henks


"Created to satisfy the needs of the competitive Fastpitch player, the Akadema Fastpitch Design Series is hand-crafted to increase the level of play on the field. Constructed of US Steerhide throughout the pocket and webbing, the back of the glove features exclusive AkademLyte leather, decreasing the overall weight of the glove and allowing for a faster break-in period and a more manageable feel. Smaller finger stalls used to decrease the distance between the thumb and index finger and Akadema Grasp Clasp Wrist System allow for increased playability. Endorsed by USA Softball stars Crystl Bustos and Monica Abbott."

Ok, so that is the company's blurb about this Fastpitch Glove. That's a lot of sales copy, adequately describing this line of fast pitch softball gloves. Sales copy is good, but does it tell the real story?

They sound pretty proud of this line of ladies Fastpitch Softball gloves. You know what? They should be. This is one heck of a nice softball glove, and for the price range it is in there really are not any competitors out there that can beat it. You can see why Monica and Crystl endorse these gloves; they are high quality.

The ACE70 is priced in the low middle of the range but the quality and build of this glove should have it in the upper range. This glove has some really nice features and it plays very well too.

Here are some of its features.

13" Slim Pattern

B-Hive Web

Grasp Clasp Wrist System

Small Finger Stalls

Deep Pocket

Right or Left Hand throw available

The Akadema ACE70 fastpitch glove is black with grey 1/4 inch lacing that makes a nice looking accent. There is some nice embroidered script Akadema on the back of the glove and also the logo, which makes this a really sharp looking softball glove. The model and series name are embossed into the inside of the glove for added effect. You hate to admit it but how well a glove, or bat or shoes looks does seem to make a difference to how you play - or at least how you feel about that glove or shoes, etc. So, that being said, this is one sharp looking fast pitch glove.

This glove is not as heavy as most thanks to the use of AkademaLyte leather on the back of the glove. This lighter weight leather is durable but allows for a quicker break in period. When you first get this glove it will be very stiff. You will need to do some break-in. If you use the Akadema glove conditioner on the palm and pocket and pound some softballs in there and play a lot of catch it should break-in in a few weeks for you.

The heavy Steerhide on the palm and fingers provides plenty of padding for those hot line drives to SS or those high fly balls in Center.

The 13" slim pattern is the perfect size for a softball utility player. The deep pocket seems to just absorb the ball yet it gives it back quickly to make that fast glove to hand transition on the infield. The deep pocket helps you hang onto those fly balls in the outfield too.

Middle infielders, Shortstop and 2nd base will like the tight feel of the glove and the way it holds up to repeatedly slamming it into the dirt to grab that grounder up the middle. 3rd base will like the heavy palm and pocket to stop those hot liners coming down the line. As a pitcher you will appreciate the slightly larger pattern and deep closed web pocket to hide your grip as long as possible. Sorry batters. This will even make a great 1st base glove with its size and deep pocket.

That B-Hive web is a closed type web. It kind of looks like a honeycomb, thus the name I guess. It is made of the same top quality US Steerhide as the pocket and palm area. It is really thick too, looks to be about 1/4 inch and reinforced with that heavy 1/4 inch lacing. The B-hive construction makes it very secure and strong. Being a closed web you can use it to block out the sun on those bright summer days. As you break in the glove the web conforms very well to the ball and begins to give-in to allow easy closure by a smaller, ladies hand.

Akadema has a nice Grasp-Clasp Wrist System that incorporates an open back with an adjustable wrist closure using Velcro. This allows for a more comfortable and manageable fit. Rip back the velcro to put the glove on, then pull it tight to give you a snug fit. There is also a soft furry material on the top of this reinforced Grasp Clasp that cushions the top of your hand. It also absorbs some of your sweat so you don't slip around so much. There is a tag attached there. I would suggest cutting it off if it bothers you.

Along with the Grasp-Clasp system, Akadema designed in smaller finger-stalls to better fit smaller hands like most ladies have. This also makes a shorter distance between the thumb and index finger. You ladies will love this. You don't have to use the standard baseball glove anymore.

The only negative thing about this glove is those small finger-stalls. They are kind of small for most men. It will eventually conform to your hand but I would suggest moving into one of the men's ProSoft or Professional series gloves if you are a man with average sized hands.

Younger players may find the stiffness a bit much but it does break in easy enough. Get your Dad or Mom to help you. This will be a glove that you could use for many years. The lighter weight will be a plus for you.

Competitive players moving up into high school age looking for a step up glove will really like this fastpitch glove for its high quality leather and lighter weight. That lighter weight can help with your quickness at ball transfer. You know how important that is in this game. This glove should last you through your high school years and into college. If you take care of it, it should be one you could give your own daughter one day.

This glove could also be a great second glove for that super competitive A level player, or the college or post college player looking for a glove to use for those weekend tournaments. The lighter weight and ease of break-in will help this glove find a home in your equipment bag.

These features make the Akadema ACE-70 one of the best fastpitch gloves available today. This is a great utility players glove. Two Thumbs UP!

Remember, to discover how great this glove is you have to use it. So get out there and get it dirty.

Take care of it and it will take care of you on the field!

Brad is a fastpitch softball enthusiast and has been involved in fastpitch softball and baseball for 20 years as a parent and coach. For more information on the ACE70 and others please visit for some of the best fastpitch softball gloves and related accessories. Talk about Fastpitch Softball over at

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Softball for Beginners : How to Hit a Softball

Posted on Youtube by expertvillage
Learn tips and techniques for hitting a softball with expert softball tips in...
expertvillage | February 17, 2008
Learn tips and techniques for hitting a softball with expert softball tips in this free sports instruction video clip.

Expert: Juan Carlos Landaverde
Bio: Juan Carlos Landeverde has played baseball and softball since he was 5 years old.
Filmmaker: Devin Boddie

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tips on How to Improve Softball Hitting

Tips on How to Improve Softball Hitting
By Guest Author Marc Dagenais

Softball Hitting is definitely one of the most complex and stressful roles to play when engaging in the softball sport. A lot of people engage themselves in this kind of sport because they believe that this cannot only develop them physically but mentally as well. In this game your mind and body works together. When you are playing, it is not enough that you know how to throw a ball or how to hit a ball; it is a must that you must be good at those skills or else you will be left behind. With the best softball hitting skill you will be surely kept in the team and on the game.

Each player has different styles when it comes to hitting. It is not advisable to copy other player's technique, especially those who are really good and popular. You have to work for it since everything can be developed. If you are really determined then you can also be as good as them in your own way. With hard work and persistence, you can learn the art of softball hitting. You just need some patience and discipline in order for you to reach your goal. These attitudes will also develop a much greater way of softball playing.

Softball Hitting is indeed the offensive weapon in the softball. That is why training is always a good part in developing softball hitting skill. Regular exercise will help your body build up power and vigor. The key is not to try to put the ball out of the park every single time but just look for a solid hard contact using the fundamentals. In order to be the best hitter there are tips in hitting the softball.

The primary softball hitting tip to keep in mind is to learn how to focus. By keeping your head very still and in the right direction and angle you will obtain a higher position. This softball hitting tip is really vital because without it, you will not be able to hit the ball perfectly.

The coordination of the eyes and the hands also is very vital for the success of a softball hit because the eye dictates when and where the hand and arm should move and strike. That is why without good hand-eye coordination, chances of scoring an amazing softball hit would be low.

Body balance is one of the softball hitting tips to put into place in hitting situations. By being completely grounded and balanced, one will be able to exert the right amount of power and force as it hits the ball.

Keep those softball hitting tips in mind and heart because they will most definitely be a great help and assistance for you to be able to put on amazing softball hits and once you know for sure that you have mastered these very effective softball hitting tips and techniques, it is time for you to play the game. Always remember that experience is what makes a great softball player the best softball hitter.

Marc Dagenais is a Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary performances and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents. Visit us to sign-up to get our FREE softball pitching tips!

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Derek Jeter Hurricane Batting Trainer

Derek Jeter Hurricane Batting Trainer
By Guest Author Leny J

You've heard coaches preach practice, practice, practice. Work hard and good things will happen. But what I find interesting with this concept is that most of the players do work hard and practice practice and practice - but that's all they do - they work hard at practice at practice - which is great. But in my opinion, in order to improve on your game, particularly hitting a baseball, you not only need to work hard at practice but you need to also work hard after practice - on your own time. At home in the back yard, or at the park, or even in your garage. You need to spend time out of practice to work on your skills. There is not enough time during regular practice to fine tune your craft. Taking time for yourself to refine your skill is a must in this day and age of competitive athletics. I've found a great baseball hitting aid to help accomplish this.

Derek Jeter Hurricane Batting Trainer. This machine will help you to improve hitting a baseball. This solo swing training tool is ideal baseball swing trainer for the beginning Little League player to the high school all-star.

This durable machine with its integrated ball and stick means you can practice on your own anytime anywhere -- no more running after balls! It provides you with immediate feedback on bat speed, power and eye hand coordination. It is easy to set-up and transport. Workout in your garage or the backyard. Take it with you to the park and warm-up before the game. Have fun with it.

I'm a husband and a father of two. I enjoy watching all types of sports and spending quality time with my family. I'm also a former youth baseball coach and former president of a local Little League organization.

Practice hard and learn to be a better hitter.

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